Kate M.
Branding & Human Design
Kate knew that she was at a point in her business where she needed to invest in herself to increase her income.
“I booked my biggest client right after signing up for coaching with you.
After about 4 months, I was still holding on to some blocks. After releasing those, I booked 6 clients in 2 weeks, and then a little while later I booked my biggest client yet. And they just keep coming. It’s probably been about $15,000 of revenue since then.
I am so much more confident now. I view myself as an authority in the field. People come to me. I say no to the clients I don’t want. That opened the floodgates of new clients coming in.”
Kate booked her business out for the first 3 months of the year, during the holidays!
Jonathan F.
Car Detailing Business Owner
“My biggest challenge was finding the puzzle pieces along the way.
[Coaching together] has allowed me to refine down my goals. My income has increased this year. In the last 6 month, I’ve done 10 of my [ideal projects], compared to 2 last year.
We’ve had an ideal client chat…and one ideal client booked 6 ceramic coatings because of the mindset.
I feel so much more organized…I’m accomplishing my goals.”
Jonathan had his first $8k month while coaching together – more than his income the previous year!
Cayla K.
Graphic & Web Designer
“Before I started [coaching with Alyssa] I was feeling stuck. I was actually pushing away clients because I wasn’t feeling confident in my business or what to charge them. I was even afraid of giving quotes to clients because of previous pushback I’d received.
I wasn’t confident in myself or my business.
The biggest thing is that I now feel very confident in my business & my prices.
It even helped with my fatigue – I felt so stuck. I’m motivated now. I’ve gotten clients from being knowledgeable and confident.”
Veronica H.
Insurance Agency Owner
“It’s an amazing thing to watch your 5 year goal all of a sudden come to fruition.
Without Alyssa I’d still be day dreaming about the life we are now living. My day-to-day routine is easy and effortless.”
“Before enrolling in coaching with Alyssa, I was feeling lost and unsure of myself and my abilities as CEO of my business. I have all the experience and skills to own my own business, but I felt like I was faking it. Alyssa helped me see that I have the expertise everyone thinks I do and how to trust my self and my abilities.
What I enjoyed the most about the coaching is the sister like motivation. Alyssa is so positive and supportive you can’t help but feel like you have just the best sister behind you cheering you on.
Because of Alyssa, I watched my dreams appear and have doubled my income. I am able to retire my husband from his thankless job so he can have his dream of being a stay-at-home dad with our son.
When I was in negotiations for buying the business I now own, the first meeting was an absolute disaster. After that meeting I started my coaching with Alyssa. She helped me rest assured in my future and ability and skill set. When the seller of the business approached me again, our next meeting was smooth and positive. We came together on a price and worked well together for the next two months while we transitioned to my new ownership.
Without Alyssa’s coaching, the negotiations and transition of the business would never have happened and wouldn’t have been so smooth and seamless.
It’s an amazing thing to watch your 5 year goal all of a sudden come to fruition. Without Alyssa I’d still be day dreaming about the life we are now living. My day-to-day routine is easy and effortless. In both my business and personal life I’m a better communicator and boss/mother/wife/daughter/sister/friend.”
Sabina S.
Insurance Broker
Coaching [with Alyssa] has helped me focus and have my time. It’s helped my keep balance in my days and family time. I turn off my computer at 5:30 now… It used to be 10 or 11pm.
I was sitting in a meeting of other successful business owners, and 3 of them had taken [Alyssa’s] course. Successful people. I saw the change in other clients…attitude, growth, business minded. To see it in others… [I thought] I need this course.”
Sabina found focus and learned to prioritize so that she could run her business on HER time. No more late nights and weekends in her office – she now has time for her family.
Christina C.
Graphic & Web Designer
“Before coaching, I felt really lost in my business. I wasn’t sure what the next steps were. Basically I had a few trickle of clients coming in but wasn’t sure how to take it to the next level.
Previously I had been treating my business more like a hobby. I was a little fearful of taking the thing I enjoyed doing into a full business to support my husband and whole family.
[Since coaching,]I have gained a lot of confidence in what I’m doing. As far as knowing how to present myself and my business to potential clients through messaging and storytelling. Bringing all of what I have to offer to those clients in a way that they will see what will help them.
It’s been a struggle to get a good clear view of who I want to work with. Getting that figured out has been very helpful.”
Christina found clarity in her business: her audience, her marketing & messaging, her systems, to have the confidence to take it from a hobby business to a full-time income.
Emily S.
Independent Financial Advisor
Emily hit (and tripled!!) her year-end goal by June! she then realigned her goal based on current success & set new business practices in place.
“Coaching [with Alyssa] has allowed me to bring balance back into my life and to focus on the goals that are most important to me.
Working together felt very comfortable and authentic from the very beginning. There were no expectations other than what I wanted to accomplish and I liked that the exercises were designed to be used as tools to practice on my own in the future.
Since coaching with Alyssa, I have eliminated distractions and guilt, which has allowed me to be more focused and present when I’m at the office and when I’m at home with my family. The fruits of that focus and renewed energy will come with time.
Before coaching, I was feeling really out of balance, so everything felt challenging. Like swimming upstream. Now I feel more joy and gratitude without losing focus or drive, which is a great place to be mentally and emotionally.“
Lala B.
Graphic & Web Designer
Lala found confidence to finally call herself an entrepreneur after years as a designer.
She also gained clarity on her business and target market and directed her business marketing towards her ideal clients and doing the type of work she loved.
Where were you before joining this program?
“I was going through big life changes and also having issues with self-esteem. I’ve been a graphic designer for years…but have always struggled with confidence.
I wasn’t confident with myself. I wasn’t confident with reaching out to more prospects. I was in my comfort zone.
I update my skills. [But still lacked confidence].”
What stood out to you about coaching with me?
“Your personality…how you spoke…sounded very genuine. I knew it came from a genuine place. I picked your coaching out of intuition as there was something about it that aligned with me.”
How did the program help you?
“It went into mindset beyond just business. I gained a lot of confidence to even call myself an entrepreneur. The mindshift – I have more confidence in the business that I have.
I feel like I’m in the right place….It gave me a lot of confidence, not just in business.
I’m doing a lot of research and I enjoy it so much. {Bringing her joy back into her business to make money.] I think more of myself as a Brand Strategist.”
If someone was thinking about coaching with me, what would you say?
“Go ahead and do it. It was a good decision for me for sure. Listen to your intuition and if it feels right then it’s the right thing to do.”

Abby G.
Intuitive Business Coach
“Alyssa Williamson is a goddess powerhouse with more intellect & integrated heart than anyone I’ve ever met! Her clear intuition, presence, vibrant personality & gifted insight are a gentle yet direct guidance to one’s highest potential in business & in life.
Her guidance and support got me through a very challenging time in my life and I was able to take my life and business to the next level! Thank you Alyssa!”
Shiloh P.
Financial Advisor
“If you have ever struggled with taking your business to the next level, work with Alyssa.”
“Before meeting with Alyssa, I had no idea what a business coach did or how they could help me. I thought it was only something that seasoned professionals would benefit from. I couldn’t have been more wrong! Alyssa had amazing ideas from how to better source clients to long term business strategies. I loved working with her to create client personas for my ideal clients and creating communications to target them directly.
She has helped me connect with many other professionals in the community that have now become valued referral sources. If you have ever struggled with taking your business to the next level, work with Alyssa. She will get you there using proven and creative strategies. Thank you Alyssa for all of your help!”

Kassandra G.
News Reporter
“While working with, Alyssa Williamson, I learned a lot about myself, and what it means to be tune in to my inner self. I continue to carry the wealth of knowledge she has shared with me to this day. As a journalist I take on a variety of challenging stories, Alyssa’s coaching has helped me process and cope with difficult topics such as human trafficking.
My favorite part about working with Alyssa is her great listening skills, I always feel heard and can see how attentive she is with me as a client. She really focused on my needs at the time, and helped me walk through not only visualizing but writing and acting on my goals. Alyssa has a wealth of knowledge, a kind heart and really cares about a person’s success. I am so honored and thankful to have had the chance of exploring my life goals, what makes me happy and what works for me with Alyssa. Thank you endlessly Alyssa, for your kind words, support and comfort!”
“If you have ever struggled with taking your business to the next level, work with Alyssa.”
Mary C.
Nurse Practitioner & Trainer
“Having you (the expert) to take the reins on this made it all possible….to give this baby to you and I felt confident that you were going to take care of it for me.
You exuded the feeling of trustworthiness and confidence. Everything about the way we connected instilled a sense of confidence that you would take care of it.
You were so nurturing and the level of direction made it easier to tell my story. Marketing language is different than scientific / nursing language.
I did like the working calls. It was helpful – an hour of time working on this project.
You have this beautiful demeanor to understand your client’s goals. You have this intuitive knowledge. You were able to listen, ask questions and process it to get under the skin of what I wanted to get to the world.”
“You’ve absolutely got to hire Alyssa. You need someone who can make you feel supported. It was wonderful working with you!”