Alyssa Williamson

3 Habits to Create a Winning Mindset for Entrepreneurs (+ Workaholics & Overachievers)

“Today was absolutely perfect. Everything went my way!”

That’s what a recent client said after our first coaching call together. This from a woman who says that overall her mindset is usually very negative.

And she wasn’t talking only about good things happening, even the challenges that came up went smoothly and were solved quickly as well.

Even though her car battery had died, the tow company arrived early and it started right away so she still got to her office on time. Winning!

Life isn’t always going to be butterflies and rainbows. Life has challenges and situations you can’t always control, but when you have the right mindset, you are better able to handle challenges and better prepared to start the day.

When was the last time a client called upset, and you took it on personally? Blaming yourself for things outside your control [perfectionism]
Do you wake up each morning feeling rushed, like you are already behind on your day?
Do you get frustrated when you don’t complete your priority tasks for the day because phone calls and ‘urgent’ emails throw you off track?

Your mindset actually changes all of these situations, because you approach them from a different vibration. Especially as an entrepreneur, you have so many hats to wear that your day has many opportunities to be derailed.

A derailed morning starts the momentum for a derailed day, which leads to a derailed week and weekend, which leads to a derailed year…which can lead to a derailed lifetime.

How you start anything is how the momentum will continue to everything else. The fabulous thing is that each moment is a chance to start new and fresh.

If you are a business owner or solo professional who feels overwhelmed or stuck in your business, I invite you to sign up for my Masterclass “How to Reclaim Your Weekends and Love Your Life” where we will explore this, as well as other techniques to create the life you love. Where YOU are in control, while still running a successful business.

3 Habits to Create a Winning Entrepreneur Mindset Each Day

Wake up early.

This gives you time and space in the day so that you aren’t rushing. Take time for you. I recommend at least 15-30 minutes where you get up and take it slowly. Whether you just grab a coffee/tea and sit in a cozy chair for 15 minutes, or whether you meditate, journal, visualize, exercise, etc. Just have that time to start your day grounded and not rushed. How you start your day creates the momentum for everything else that you do.

Pick Your Challenges.

Choose what you want to win at today and focus on it. There will always be challenges, but the greatest joy in life actually comes from overcoming your challenges. Be strategic in what you want to work on today and stay focused.

Look for the best.

Looking for the best in each situation not only makes the situation easier to handle, but also to help you move on. Optimistic people actually have longer lives. Learned optimism is a mindset change that will have resounding impacts. In looking for the best (actively) you will actually start to see it more. What you focus on is what you see (reticular activating system). This follows the saying “a tracked number grows” (marketing), or “what you focus on you attract to you” (law of attraction).

These are just a few of the many strategies I work with clients on. After mindset, we work on habits to reprogram your brain to work for your best interest.

If you are a business owner or solo professional who feels overwhelmed and like you aren’t moving forward, I invite you to sign up for my Masterclass “How to Reclaim Your Weekends and Love Your Life” where we will explore this, as well as other techniques to create the life you love. Where YOU are in control, while still running a successful business.