
Alyssa Williamson

3 Habits to Create a Winning Mindset for Entrepreneurs (+ Workaholics & Overachievers)

“Today was absolutely perfect. Everything went my way!” That’s what a recent client said after our first coaching call together. This from a woman who says that overall her mindset is usually very negative. And she wasn’t talking only about good things happening, even the challenges that came up went smoothly and were solved quickly … Read more

Empowering Your Feminine Energy in Business

Feminine energy (being) in business

https://youtu.be/bNej4-Ffwmg You are strong, you are powerful and you are femininely divine. The business world is very masculine. It’s all about DOING, achieving and getting results. It’s easy to get lost in being a high achiever, type-A personality that gets things done and while it is something to celebrate, it isn’t all of who you … Read more

How to Live a Life of Adventure

What does adventure really mean to a business owner?

How to Address Challenges & Resistances You Are Feeling I talk about supporting business owners to live your life of adventure but what does this really mean? This week’s article shares a different story from my video (so watch it as well!), but both cover the story of adventure. https://youtu.be/evUnKVSpm5I Imagine having the freedom to … Read more

Why You Haven’t Taken Your Dream Vacation Yet – How You Are Holding Yourself Back

What's Holding You Back From Your Dream Vacation?

We all have dreams that we talk about doing, yet have you ever noticed how many people never actually create them? Whether it’s a dream lifestyle, a dream business, a dream vacation, most people don’t actually create their dreams. This is because to them it is just a hope, not something that they believe will … Read more