
Alyssa Williamson

How to Flourish in Your Business and in Life At Any Time – 4 Simple Steps to Abundance

These last few weeks, actually this entire 2020 year has truly been an amazing one to me. There have been ‘good’ and ‘bad’ events, both business and personal, but my overall feeling as I look over the past 3 months is one of positivity. Plus, I no longer look at them as ‘good’ or ‘bad’. They just happened and my job is to explore the best path to move on from them. (My family is pretty pragmatic when it comes to life – we try not to do drama!)

From a work trip and fun travel in New York in January, to the perfect trip to New Zealand, to coming home to work on house projects during Stay Home/Stay Safe, to actually increasing my income to increase payments I have to bills through all this, it has been a magical and smooth year.

While in New Zealand, I had 3 weeks of visiting family & friends, hiking, and exploring the country JUST BEFORE everything shut down. (I was literally on the flight Hawaiian Airlines flight out of NZ – and it was my original booked flight). This trip never felt rushed, I was never concerned, I just felt safe and confident that it would all turn out ok. I give 100% of this credit of security and comfort to my trust in my intuition and belief that everything just works out for the best.

I hate to always bring up COVID-19, but the truth is…it is our reality right now. It is our reality, and it has tremendous repercussions on all aspects of our lives. How is it that in the midst of all this craziness, my life and my business are just continuing to increase in abundance? I’m not sharing all of these things to brag; I’m sharing these things so that you can experience them too.

Looking back on my journey to get here, these the exact steps I have taken. Just because they are simple doesn’t mean they are easy…the simplest things to do are the simplest things not to do.

How to Experience Abundance (at any time)

  1. Live in a positive mindset (Positive Expectations)
  2. KNOW that the Universe is working in your favor (Trust)
  3. Engage in daily actions to bring your dreams to reality (Success Habits)
  4. Share your joy with others (Raise Others Up)

I want to keep the list simple to start with, but each of these has a depth to them that could have layers and layers of sub items. Know that just because they sound simple – they aren’t.

1. Positive Expectations

Living in a positive mindset can take weeks or months depending on the well-worn routes that you currently follow in your brain and neural pathways. Changing your thoughts and thought patterns can take time and practice, or can be rewired through Theta Healing and NLP techniques. I have trained in both of these techniques, with the original intention of rewiring my own brain. I have found them so helpful, they are now a part of my coaching practice to help others get past challenges as well.

2. Trust

Trusting the Universe and knowing that it will all work out for the best is also another area of your mindset. It relates to positivity but it is greater than that. It can be God, the Creator of All That Is, etc., but just knowing that there is more and that it is good. Trust that there is abundance and plenty to go around.

3. Success Habits

Daily success habits are a huge part of what I teach because truly, what you do daily is what makes up your life. It is your habits, and your habits become who you are. Mastering your daily habits ensures that you are making progress towards your goals, staying focused, and also staying in that positive zone. My own success habits include: reading, meditating, journaling, affirmations (reading some, writing some), visualization, exercise, eating well, and treating my body well…daily. What you eat and how often you move affects your mood and emotions as well.

4. Raise Others Up

Share your joy is about helping give to others as well. Make someone’s day with a compliment, a smile or even teaching them a little of what is helping you to be successful. Nature and the universe are constantly in motion and by sharing your gifts with others, you are inviting those same gifts to return back to you at greater speed.

Curious about taking your business (or life) to the next level? Download my free guide to Live Your Life of Adventure (hint: it’s about living the best version of YOU).