Alyssa Williamson

Intuition in Business… What is an Intuitive Business Coach?

This month marks a 2-year anniversary of making my intuition a priority; of trusting my intuition, listening to that gut feeling, and being intentional about changing my life.

How funny does that sound? It should be obvious right? Yet there I was, a business owner of over 10 years’ experience, who often ignored my gut feeling in exchange of thinking things to death. I would agonize over decisions and the pros and cons, just to make sure I was making the right choice.

Do you know how I showed the Universe that I intentional in making a change? By hiring an Intuitive Success Coach. Someone who could help me tap into my inner guidance to live my purpose, live in joy, and have the freedom I dreamed of. And to help me clarify and create a path towards those dreams.

Intuitive Business Coaching - Follow your intuition

My intuition brought me to her – it was just one of those things that was meant to be. I noticed her energy from across the room and made sure we connected before the end of the meeting. Then, as we were talking in her intro intuitive session, I just knew we had to work together. It just felt right.

Here were the answers to what I needed to overcome my challenges, because the answer came from within. I am supposed to trust myself and my own wisdom.

What if you could ONLY succeed? Watch this video below for more on using your intuition.

Have you been truly living in your bliss? Or do you find that roadblock after roadblock seems to keep popping up and blocking your dreams.

Do you find that you’re never quite satisfied because something feels off? It feels like there is so much more you could be doing but you are limited by your present situation.

You may have had moments of success in your business…those perfect clients, the months of meeting your income goals…just enough that you know it’s possible. But not consistently enough to feel you are successful. The consistency seems to be elusive and you continue to track which bills need to be paid on time. Sometimes only barely managing to squeeze by each month.

You do all the right things: live as if you are in abundance, read and visualize your affirmations, take time to meditate, journal and care for your mind and body, but they happen in moments of inspiration and then you lose them again. Or you become dejected because your present situation doesn’t seem to be changing.

Sometimes you find that your business is leading you. You are relatively successful to incredibly successful…but you no longer find joy in it. You’ve lost your passion and it’s become just another set of obligations to complete each day.

These are all signs that you are blocking your intuitive guidance, or that you have subconscious beliefs still working against you.

The truth is, you ARE changing, growing and improving, but you are attached to chains, holding you down and holding you back.

What if you could release those handcuffs and live in your full power and wisdom?