
Alyssa Williamson

The Joys of Manifesting

Enjoy the journey and make the most of experience you are gaining

Last week, I talked about the Challenges of Manifesting, as I know that most of you have probably done previous research and practice in manifesting the lives you want, so now you’re in the process of creating those dreams. And challenges will come up.

As I mentioned there, the process of manifesting is simple but staying in the right emotional state and belief takes work and trust.

Once you start manifesting, or intentionally manifesting, and see the power of your actions, thoughts, beliefs and feelings, then you have a greater sense of trust in the process. Trusting the process makes it faster the next time round, which in turn builds your trust.

That means that when you first start doing the inner work and mindset work to manifest, it can take a little longer but just know, and trust, that you are building the foundation to your future.

Manifesting Your Dream Life

My dream life has always been one where I continue to work because I love to make a difference and help my clients, but that I get to pick my hours and schedules. I spent the first years of my business too focused in doing, not in being, and got the benefit of working long hours.

As I’ve done the personal work of mindset shifting and attention shifting (ThetaHealing and Intuitive Success Coaching were a huge part of that). I one day realized that I was living my dream life…waking up when I want to, working out when I want to, taking breaks as I want, and traveling and working remotely either internationally or locally.

What does that look like? I just realized that every week I’m somewhere different, and while I still work, I enjoy it and also get to be present in the moment. Last week I spent two days in Bend midweek, the week before that we were in Portland, a week or two before that we were in Mt. Shasta. To me, that is freedom and flexibility that I can work from anywhere, enjoy the scenery and make time for me.

Manifesting Your 5-Year Goal

Another client, has learned how to cope with any circumstance and just trust it will all work out through our mindset work. Through this process, she’s also manifested a business purchase, weekends away with her husband, positive outcomes in a dispute. In each moment, she’s learned to trust that it will all work out for the best, and to trust in the timing, rather than having to control it (which leads to stress, frustration and comparison).
Not only does life flow easier for her…in June, she’s already tripled her year-end income goal!! Now she’s re-evaluating her goal and building her business systems and team to handle her growth.
This quote was from her, several months ago, before she hit these goals. Her faith and trust in her focus did come with time.

“It’s an amazing thing to watch your 5 year goal all of a sudden come to fruition. Without Alyssa I’d still be day dreaming about the life we are now living. My day-to-day routine is easy and effortless. In both my business and personal life I’m a better communicator and boss/mother/wife/daughter/sister/friend.

Alyssa has helped me make so much progress in my ability to trust my skills and expertise. She has helped me see the bigger picture and be assured in my decision making.”

Manifesting Your Year-End Income...x3!!!!

Through our work together (and her own amazing-ness), my client recently purchased a business where their first conversation had crashed and burned. The only thing that changed was in our coaching, I had her focus on her mindset and creating action steps towards her dream life.

Barely 3 months after taking over that business, she achieved her 5-year goal of retiring her husband!!! He is ecstatic to be a stay-at-home dad to their toddler and take on house projects, and she is so empowered at how she’s been able to vision and create her dreams.

She went from being proud of her negative mindset to learning how to trust herself and stay in positivity.

“Since coaching with Alyssa, I have eliminated distractions and guilt, which has allowed me to be more focused and present when I’m at the office and when I’m at home with my family. The fruits of that focus and renewed energy will come with time.

Before coaching, I was feeling really out of balance, so everything felt challenging. Like swimming upstream. Now I feel more joy and gratitude without losing focus or drive, which is a great place to be mentally and emotionally.”

When you shift your mindset, you shift your future. This is why I focus on neuroscience and energy work to help my clients shift their beliefs and program new habits in their life. Once you start manifesting what you want, you see the power that you have on your world!