
Alyssa Williamson

What Are You Tolerating in Your Life (That Is Holding You Back)?

Isn’t it funny how once something becomes routine, we accept it, no matter how inconvenient? It’s just a part of human nature as we even up the highs and lows of life.

Have you ever really thought about the little things, small inconveniences in your day that vaguely annoy you? Yet they aren’t annoying enough to get you to stop and take action? Or maybe they are bigger things that you keep putting off. Or maybe it’s a bad habit that has now become a routine? All of these are elements of daily life that you are tolerating because they are ‘just the way things are’, yet they are holding you back in your business and from living your best life.

Examples of Tolerating

The thing about living a powerful, fulfilling life is that you must be intentional in your day and in your actions. Letting life happen to you is the fastest way to become derailed from your dreams.

As I teach clients, we focus on the end goal / big picture of what they want to achieve and then break it down into manageable steps…all the way down to day-to-day actions so that each day they are working towards their purpose and vision. Need help creating a daily strategy? Request your free Get Acquainted Call and we can explore how coaching can work for you!

Take Action

1. What inconveniences or annoyances are you tolerating? Make a list of these things and spend a week writing them down. Whether they are daily things that are showing up or maybe occasional, less frequent items, keep an on-going list.

2. Next, write down how each item actually interfering with your goals, business, life? Does it take up time? Does it take up mental energy? Does it require unnecessary activity or workarounds?

3. Create a plan for how you can mitigate or remove these annoyances. For example, if you know you get distracted before bed time, set a time that you get ready for bed (washing face, brushing teeth, getting into pajamas) before you are tired so that once it is bedtime you can focus on a bedtime routine. Either create a hard stop with an alarm of when to head to bed, or a time that you hide your phone/tablet/distraction in the other room. Finally, create a night time routine that includes activities you look forward to, such as reading a book or magazine, meditating, drawing, etc., away from screens and digital distractions.